Ukir Sejarah Riau di KSN 2021, Franklin Filbert Irwan Sumbangkan Emas di Bidang Matematika
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Ukir Sejarah Riau di KSN 2021, Franklin Filbert Irwan Sumbangkan Emas di Bidang Matematika

Kamis, 18 November 2021

Franklin Filbert Irwan

PEKANBARU, PARASRIAU.COM - Dua orang siswa Witama School, Jalan Tanjung Datuk Ujung Kecamatan Limapuluh, Kota Pekanbaru berhasil mengukir sejarah prestasi di dunia pendidikan Bumi Lancang Kuning, Provinsi Riau. 

Salah satunya yaitu Franklin Filbert Irwan, siswa kelas VIII SMP Witama School sang penyumbang emas bidang matematika dan mengaku bangga dan senang bisa mempersembahkan prestasi terbaik untuk Riau.

Kedua siswa Witama School yang berprestasi foto bersama orang tua mereka. 

Berkat perjuangan dan dedikasinya, Franklin Filbert Irwan mampu menghantarkan Provinsi Riau di posisi keempat dalam ajang Kompetisi Sains Nasional (KSN) tingkat nasional tahun 2021.

Tak tanggung-tanggung, posisi itu merupakan prestasi pertama dalam sejarah pendidikan Provinsi Riau dalam ivent tersebut. Sehingga semua orang merasa kagum atas prestasi yang berhasil diukir putra terbaik Riau ini.

"Saya sangat senang dan bangga bisa mempersembahkan medali di KSN 2021. Memang cukup lelah, tapi perjuangan ini tidak sia-sia dan memberbuahkan hasil," ungkap Franklin Filbert Irwan kepada media ini, Rabu (17/11/2021).

Franklin Filbert Irwan merupakan putra pertama dari dua bersaudara pasangan Felix Irwan SE SPsi dan Yanni Kho SE MM. Untuk menghadapi ivent tersebut, dirinya mengaku sangat matang mempersiapkan diri. Bahkan sejak bulan September dia sudah menggembleng diri guna mempersembahkan yang terbaik untuk sekolah khususnya dan Provinsi Riau pada umumnya.

Begitu pula dukungan serta support dari kedua orangtua dan pihak sekolah, membuat anak kelahiran Kota Pekanbaru, 23 Februari 2008 ini lebih terpacu dan semangat dalam mempersiapkan diri.

Dan terbukti, kerja keras yang ia lakukan tak sia-sia dan membuahkan hasil maksimal. Saat pelaksanaan KSN pada 9-10 November 2021 lalu, Franklin Filbert Irwan yang lebih suka membaca dan main game inipun berhasil meraih medali emas di ajang tersebut.

"Saya ucapkan ribuan terimakasih kepada semuanya. Terkhusus kepada orangtua, guru, pembimbing yang telah mensupport. Dan setelah ini saya bertekad untuk terus mengukir sejumlah prestasi," pungkas Franklin. 

Adapun catatan prestasi Franklin Filbert Irwan :

1. Gold Medalist at the National Science Competition (KSN) in Mathematics for Secondary School in 2021.

2. Gold Medalist at the Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO) for Grade 7 in 2021.

3. 1st Place Winner in the Spring Round of the Eight International Tournament Mathematics Without Borders in 2021.

4. Gold Medalist at the Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO) for Grade 6 in 2020.

5. 1st  Winner of the Complex Math Competition (CMC) for Secondary School at the 20th Mathematics Olympiad within Sumatera Region conducted by FKIP UNRI in 2020.

6. 3rd Winner of the ITS Mathematics Olympiad (OMITS) for Primary School in Surabaya 2019.

7. Gold Medalist at the World Mathematics Invitational (WMI) Indonesia Preliminary Round for Primary 5 in 2019.

8. Gold Medalist at the Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO) for Primary 5 in 2019.

9. Silver Medalist at the VANDA International Science Competition for Primary 5 in 2019.

10. 1st Winner of the Physics Team Competition for Primary School at the 4th Physics Fest conducted by FMIPA UNRI in 2019.

11. 1st Silver Medalist at the Physics Individual Test for Primary School at the 4th Physics Fest conducted by FMIPA UNRI in 2019. 

12. Gold Medalist at the Math Kangaroo Contest for Benjamin level (Primary 5-6) in 2019.

13. 1st Winner of Preliminary Round at the 14th National Logic and Realistic Mathematics Competition (KMNR) in 2018.

14. Bronze Medalist at the 15th International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO) for Primary School in Zhejiang China 2018.

15. Gold Medalist and the Best Contestant in Mathematics at the 3rd Indonesia Mathematics & Science Olympiad (OMSI) for Primary School in Bogor 2018.

16. Silver Medalist at the National Science Olympiad (OSN) in Mathematics for Primary School in Padang 2018.

17. Gold Medalist at the Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO) for Primary 4 in 2018.

18. Diamond Medalist at the Japan International Science and Mathematics Olympiads (JISMO) In 2018.

19. Bronze Medalist at the Asia Pacific Mathematics Olympiad for Primary Schools (APMOPS) First Round in Jakarta 2018. 

20. Gold Medalist at the 13th National Logic and Realistic Mathematics Competition (KMNR) in Jakarta 2018.

21. Gold Medalist at the Math Kangaroo Contest for Ecolier level (Primary 3-4) in 2018.

22. Gold Medalist at the World Mathematics Invitational (WMI) Indonesia Preliminary Round for Primary 4 in 2018.

23. Gold Medalist at the Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad (HKIMO) Heat Round for Primary 4 in 2018.

24. Gold Medalist at the Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO) in 2017. 

25. Gold Medalist at the Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad (TIMO) Heat Round for Primary 4 in 2017.

26. 3rd Winner of the Mathematical Olympiad for Primary School within Northern Sumatera Region conducted by University of North Sumatera (USU) in Medan 2017.

27. Gold Medalist at the World Mathematics Invitational (WMI) Finals for Primary 3 in Vietnam 2017.

28. Gold Medalist at the International Singapore Maths Competition (ISMC) for Primary 3 in 2017.

29. Silver Medalist and 3rd Place in Riau Province at the Math Kangaroo Contest for Ecolier level (Primary 3-4) in 2017.

30. 1st Place in Riau Province and School Top-Scorer at the International Mathematical Kangaroo Contest for Pre-Ecolier level (Primary 1-2) in 2016. pr2

Penulis: M Ikhwan